Zion School's  Return to School Plan (Updated 8/5/20)

Zion Public School COVID-19 Guidelines for 2020-2021

Zion Public School will utilize the Oklahoma Department of Health (ODH) Guidelines,     U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Return to Learn Oklahoma Framework provided by the Oklahoma State Department of Education in planning for reopening in the fall.  We hope the following information helps answer many of the questions you may have about our reopening.

Our goal will be to provide as safe an experience as possible that includes a rich educational experience, with opportunities for social interaction and extracurricular activities while considering the guidelines provided by the agencies.

What is the first day for students?

School will begin on August 6, 2020 as originally planned.  This date will only change if the agencies send updated guidance with this requirement, but this is not anticipated.

Who will be required to wear face coverings?

All students and staff are required to have a mask available at all times.  When social distancing requirements cannot be maintained, students and staff will be expected to wear face coverings.  Parents and guests will be required to wear a mask upon entering the building.  Parents will not be allowed in the classrooms or cafeteria this year.  The front office will be the only entrance opened to parents and guests.  Masks will not be provided for parents and guests.

Do we need to provide masks for our student or will one be provided? 

Parents are expected to provide their student(s) with a mask. If the student arrives at school without a mask, the district will provide one mask, one time for that student.

Will bus transportation be provided? 

Yes, the buses will run their regular routes.  Based on current guidance, everyone will be required to wear face coverings when riding the bus. We are planning no changes to bus schedules or bus stops. 

How normal will the school day be for a student? 

Our goal is for your student(s) to have as normal of a school day as possible while we also provide as much safety as possible. When students arrive at school, either by bus or parent, they will have a temperature screening before entering any school building. Upon completing the screening, students will proceed to their designated area. Students will be screened daily.  Fifth through 8th grade students will not remain in the same classroom all day but will be able to transition from one class to another, following social distancing as much as possible. Pre-school through 4th grade will be self-contained in the same classroom all day.

Will students at Zion School still have extra classes like athletics, music and library?  

Students will continue to participate in activity classes.  In some cases, the teacher may present their lesson in the student's classroom.  In others situations, such as PE, students may have an assigned area in the gym with specific materials assigned to their classroom. Sporting events will be held according to ORES regulations and recommendations from the agencies. 

Will social distancing guidelines be observed? 

Social distancing will be observed as much as possible but at times students will be closer than the recommended 6 ft. apart. When social distancing requirements cannot be maintained such as class exchange time, etc., students will be expected to wear face coverings. We will redesign classrooms and cafeteria spaces to increase the space between students but cannot always guarantee it will be 6 ft. 

Will classrooms be arranged differently to protect students? 

Yes, classrooms will be arranged to provide more space between students. That might mean all desks are arranged in rows facing in a single direction. It might result in reading areas with bean bags, couches or comfy chairs being removed. It might include dividers between students who are seated at a table. We will make every effort to provide distance but not limit students’ ability to interact and communicate with others in their classroom. Additionally, supplies and materials will not be shared by students. 

Will students attend school every day or will we have some type of alternative schedule? 

We plan for students to attend school daily following a very similar schedule to the traditional school day; however, alternative schedules are a probability.  We will consider the latest guidance from the ODH, CDC and SDE to determine if a schedule change is warranted. Parents and families will be notified immediately when a change is deemed necessary.  Alternative scheduling could mean that students attend school onsite fewer days a week and participate in distance learning the other days or it could mean that the students go full-time virtual.  Our goal is to keep the school open.  We can do this by implementing recommended mitigation practices.  We are asking for the support of our families to help us reduce the risks for all our students by teaching your child(ren) to follow the recommended guidelines of wearing masks, frequent hand washing, as well as sanitizing and social distancing.  

What will happen if an individual tests positive for Covid-19? 

In the event an individual tests positive, we will follow the latest guidance from the ODH, CDC and SDE. We will be in direct contact with these agencies. This could result in a brief closure of a single classroom/building/area within the district to provide time for additional cleaning and sanitation.

Will students be screened daily? 

Each morning, families are asked to complete wellness screenings of their children for any symptoms and to take their children’s temperatures, as a fever of 100 or greater may be an indication of an active case of COVID-19.  If this is the case, please keep your child home to monitor for additional symptoms. An example screening tool is included in their enrollment packet and on the school website/app. In addition, students will receive a temperature screening upon school arrival. There will be two screening stations on campus, upon arrival, students must report to one of these stations prior to entering the building. 

Parent Drop-off/Pick-up points: 

*2nd - 8th will be at the east entrance by the flagpole

*pre-school - 1st will be at the front entrance of the new gym 


What are my options, if I do not want my child to return to the traditional classroom? 

Zion Public School has provided a survey to all parents to collect information regarding their interest in a virtual option for students. This would provide a total virtual educational program for students who did not feel comfortable returning to onsite instruction. Parents will be asked to sign up for the virtual education program and commit to a minimum of a semester. The fall semester is August 6, 2020-December 15, 2020. Parents and students will be required to commit to the Virtual Education option no later than August 10, 2020. 

If students choose to do full-time virtual, will they be able to participate in extracurricular activities? 

Yes, students participating in full-time virtual learning will be able to participate in extracurricular activities but will have to adhere to ORES guidelines. Students choosing the full-time virtual learning option will be allowed on campus for practices and games only after school hours.

Will we have an open house? 

Yes, we will hold a modified open house. This will be held on Tuesday, August 4th from 3:00-6:00 PM. We will be limiting the open house to the following grade levels:  3 yr. olds, Pre-School, Kindergarten, T-1/1st grade, 5th grade, virtual students and any new students.  We are asking that only the student and one parent/guardian attend this event to be able to adhere to recommended guidelines from the health officials.  Masks are required.

The schedule will be as follows:

3:00 - 4:00  -  3 yr olds (Early Childhood Center)

4:00 - 5:00  -  Pre-School (Early Childhood Center)

5:00 - 6:00  -  Kindergarten (Early Childhood Center)

3:00 - 6:00  -  T-1/1st Grade (Elementary Hallway)

3:00 - 6:00  -  5th Grade  (Middle School Hallway)

3:00 - 6:00  -  New Students (Front Office)

3:00 - 6:00  - Virtual Students (New Gym Lobby)

All class schedules and class lists will be posted on our website and Facebook page.

Will students be able to participate in extracurricular activities and sports in the fall? 

Yes. We anticipate sports activities in the fall with possible modifications as required by the ORES. (There will be no extracurricular activities or sports the month of August per ORES. It will be decided on a monthly basis. Updates will be posted on the school website/app.) All uniforms and practice equipment will be washed and sanitized after each use. 

Will my student eat lunch in their classroom? 

Based on current guidelines, the health officials recommend limiting the capacity of students in the cafeteria. We anticipate this may either mean we will be required to adjust lunch schedules or use alternative areas, such as classrooms or outdoor spaces.  Proper sanitation of all areas will be completed after each meal. Procedures will not allow students to pick up utensils, self-serve, or share food. 

Parents, please send a water bottle with your students.  Water bottle filling stations will be available and sanitized frequently. 

What special precautions will be implemented in regard to cleaning and sanitizing? 

Sanitation and cleanliness will be a high priority for our district as we return in the fall. We will be encouraging staff to frequently disinfect frequently touched surfaces (door knobs, light switches, etc.) on a continuous basis throughout the day. Students will be encouraged to sanitize and wash their hands each time they leave and enter a new space. 

What will happen if a student comes to school sick?

Students will be screened for illness and have their temperature screening.  If they are found to have fever or show other signs or report symptoms of illness, the student will be sent home.  Parents will be called to pick up their child as soon as possible.  While the student waits for the parent, they will be cared for in a designated isolation area.

Exposures, Diagnoses, and Return to school after COVID-19

In regard to exposures, diagnoses, and positive test, the CDC recommends the following:

  • Anyone who has had close contact with someone positive for COVID-19 should stay home for 14 days after exposure, based on the time it takes to develop the illness.

  • Any child who tests positive or has COVID-19 symptoms may return to school after three days with no fever and diminished respiratory symptoms and ten days since symptoms first appeared.  Two consecutive negative COVID-19 tests given 24 hours apart would also indicate that a child may return to school.  The negative test results should be provided to the school if the child is home for fewer than ten days.

  • A child who tested positive for COVID-19 but had no symptoms can return to school after 10 days have passed since the test. Two consecutive negative COVID-19 tests given 24 hours apart would also indicate that a child may return to school.  The negative test results should be provided to the school upon return.

  • As always, be sure to call the school to report your child’s absence.

  • For more information, visit the following website:  https://www.cdc.gov/coronaviru...

Signs and Symptoms of COVID -19 

Fever and or Chills 


Shortness of Breath or difficulty breathing 


Muscle or body aches 


New loss of taste or smell 

Congestion or runny nose 

Nausea or vomiting 


What happens if we have school closures again? 

If schools close again, a plan for at-home virtual learning has been developed. Teachers and students will utilize Edgenuity, Zoom, Google Classroom, and other possible avenues to deliver virtual and online lessons. Students will learn how to use these Learning Systems by participating in lessons throughout the week while at school. Blended learning that includes both on-site traditional instruction and digital instruction will become the norm. This approach will allow students who might be ill or quarantined for a limited amount of time to continue their education even if they are not physically present in the classroom. 

Will our students have the same arrival and dismissal times? 

Yes, however, depending on guidance from the agencies, arrival and dismissal times may be varied, in order to increase social distancing.

In the event of a temporary school closure, how will the district serve special needs students (Special Education, 504, Dyslexia, etc)? 

In the event of a school closure, students will participate in live instruction with scheduled Google Meets and/or Zoom sessions and virtual education by using Edgenuity Programs.  The IEP team, which includes the parents, will develop a contingency plan for the possibility of school closures or student illness. This plan will outline the type and amount of services provided and will follow the current ODH guidelines. The IEP will also address the services to be provided at school with ODH best practices in place. This may include, but is not limited to, type of services, amount of services, and where services will be provided (i.e. services provided in a regular classroom vs. special education resource room or speech therapy room).

If you have any questions regarding these procedures please contact the Zion Public School office at 918-696-7866.  

Note: Please be aware that this document is a fluid draft, a living document and could and will be updated as new guidelines are posted from the CDC, ODH and the OSDE. Thank you for your understanding and know that Zion Public School is diligently working towards a safe school re-entry for all students and faculty.